Guangzhou QianJin Leatherware Ltd. is a leading OEM/ODM bag manufacturer in Guangzhou China. Founded in 2008,Qianjin has been specializing in designing and manufacturing leather & PU bags for over 17 years and has a professional team to handle every process well during the order.
Qianjin occupies an area of 2000 square meters with over 100 professionally trained workers and equipped with modern facilities, we has a remarkable production capacity of 20000-30000pcs/month.Ever since its foundation, Qianjin has been implementing strict quality control policies to ensure the quality of every single delivery.
Our leather/hardware /painting edge/reinforcement/lining has all passed ECO-Friendly tests by SGS.....
In the further, we will continue to uphold high standards in quality, strive to bring innovation and constant improvement in every process,we sincerely welcome friends in
the industry to work together for a win-win situation.